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如何從YouTube下載高清視頻 YouTube現在提供越來越多的的高清視頻:720p、1080p和4K 解析度。你可在4K視頻下載器的説明下下載這些視頻並在電腦或高清電視中離線觀看。 1. 從我們的官方網站下載並安裝最新版本的4K視頻下載器。

As a free professional MP4 Converter, iFun Video Converter MP4 Converter allows you to download and convert any video files to MP4 format. This MP4 Converter is well-designed and optimized for Windows users, and it ensures high quality MP4…

The iTubeGo HD Video Downloader desktop is a versatile downloader that can download HD video and convert it to MP4, MP3 format. High-speed download, giving you an experience different from the online version. Free Trial HD Video Downloader Is Download

Video: MP4 (recommended) Supported by virtually all players and devices. Perfect for people who want to enjoy high quality videos. 3GP Compatible with almost all mobile devices in relative low definition. Good for the phone with limited storage. WEBM Generally MP4, 360p MP4 to Download File Get Help: CLICK HERE Online Facebook video downloads made easy for you Your thousands of friends on Facebook share great videos often which you like and which you definitely want to keep in your folder or to Hindi, English, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and More HD Mp4 3GP FLV Video Download WOW! Marcelito Pomoy Sings "The Prayer" With DUAL VOICES! - America's Got Talent: The Champions by America's Got Talent 你可以選擇下載 MP4、MP3、M4A 或 WEBM 檔,在「mp4」頁籤下載影片的最高畫質為 720P。 進到「other」頁籤還能下載最高畫質為 1440P,但是沒有聲音的純影片檔。在這種狀況下,你可以再下載一個純聲音檔,自己設法用其它軟體將影片與聲音結合。 How to convert and download a YouTube video: (1): Paste your YouTube URL at 'Video URL' and press Continue. (2): Select the format (MP3, MP4, M4A) and the options for the conversion. The default options are for most videos a good setting. (3): Press the 4K Video Downloader是一款免費、跨平台、速度快、支援繁體中文的YouTube高畫質影片下載軟體。使用這個軟體,只要複製、貼上影片的網址,就可以快速的從 YouTube、Vimeo、SoundCloud、Flickr、Facebook 和 DailyMotion等網站下載影片,下載時能選擇8K

之前曾經分享過不少在網址上增加或減少幾個字母就能下載 YouTube 影片的實用小技巧,不用安裝第三方工具,可說是簡單方便又易記,這次提供修改youtube網址的2個英文字,就是這麼簡單即可下載 MP4 ,還在使用麻煩的轉檔工具嗎?趕快來看看下面的密技 Youtube是全球第一大的影片分享網站,網站內有非常豐富的免費影音供大家觀賞,但常常看到好片時,卻無法下載,因為Youtube官方並沒有提供此功能,那若仍需要將影片下載該怎麼辦呢?我們可以透過「GooTube FLV 4 Choose a format - MP3 (audio) or MP4 (if you want to download it as a video) – and click the Convert button to start. Select your desired file type (format) in which you want to download that video and click on “Convert it” This will help you as YouTube converter If you have any question or suggestion, please leave me a message here Features get YouTube stream in any format, choose between MP4, MKV up to 8K UHD, WEBM, and MP3 perform conversion to MP4, AVI, and MP3 apply output name format patterns open lists of links from any text files transfer videos to iTunes automatically and

想將YouTube上的HD高清影片下載到電腦裡嗎?透過YouTubeSnips線上工具就能輕鬆完成,YouTubeSnips也可以將YouTube影片存為手機用的3GP格式、MP4格式和FLV格式。使用者甚至無須下載或安裝任何軟體,省去許多麻煩。想知道怎麼做嗎?那麼繼續看下去 Clip Converter is a free online media conversion application, which allows you to reocord, convert and download nearly any audio or video URL to common formats. Currently supported services: YouTube (HD, 720p, 1080p, 4K), Vimeo, Facebook Video and many 大家都怎麼下載YouTube 音樂、影片呢?B編要教大家一鍵就可以把YouTube檔案快速下載,只要在 YouTube 網址加2個英文字,就能下載音樂(MP3檔)、影片(MP4檔),快看下面的 外出時想用手機觀看YouTube打發時間,沒有網路吃到飽就常常放棄這個念頭,你知道嗎?只要在Youtube連結中添加一個"my"兩個字母即可自動下載MP4檔,沒錯,就是這麼簡單,還在使用麻煩的轉檔工具嗎?趕快來看看下面的密技教學吧! 下載時還可以選得你所要下載的影片格式 有 FLV.AVI.MP4.AVI (720P.1080P) 等畫質選擇 前題是 影片上傳時本身的解析度就很高 也才有辦法能讓你下載 檔案下載(任選一空間下載): 網址 如何從YouTube下載高清視頻 YouTube現在提供越來越多的的高清視頻:720p、1080p和4K 解析度。你可在4K視頻下載器的説明下下載這些視頻並在電腦或高清電視中離線觀看。 1. 從我們的官方網站下載並安裝最新版本的4K視頻下載器。

用我們的 YouTube 轉換工具來將您最愛的YouTube影片轉換為多種格式的檔案。您可以下載的格式有:MP3, AAC, OGG, M4A, WMA, FLAC, WAV, MP4, AVI, MOV, MPG, FLV, WMV 和 M4V。我們優質的 YouTube 下載器予以超快的轉檔速度和超棒的轉檔品質。

Je mnoho programů nebo webových služeb nabízejících stahování z YouTube, ale jen málokteré z nich využívají podobný způsob, jak YouTube HD Downloader. Youtube Downloader HD Instalace download - Stahování videí z YouTube Youtube Downloader HD je uživatelský velmi jednoduchý nástroj pro… Any Video Converter Ultimate is an all-in-one video converter & DVD converter and video editor, YouTube music and video downloader and video recorder. It converts any video formats 30X faster and get better quality than traditional video… mp4 downloader free download. Reel Downloader major update 5/5/2018, Rel : 2.3.1 (final) - Torrent downloads fixed, - Debug modes added, see "de This #1 Free Online YouTube Downloader allows you to download recordings (Videos & Audios) anywhere without any registration and with just one-click.

隨著寬頻普及,Youtube 這類的影音網站資料越來越豐富,品質也越來越好,但 Youtube 並沒有開放下載功能,如果想將網站上的音樂或影片抓下來保存,該怎麼辦呢?除了安裝抓檔軟體,也可以透過一些線上影音轉檔網站,只要輸入影片網址,就能轉成 mp3

YouTube video downloader to download videos from YouTube at the best quality. Download YouTube videos and convert to MP4 quickly and easily for FREE.

As a free professional MP4 Converter, iFun Video Converter MP4 Converter allows you to download and convert any video files to MP4 format. This MP4 Converter is well-designed and optimized for Windows users, and it ensures high quality MP4…